SEO Content Assistant

SEO Content Brief

A content brief is a list of keywords and their number, or in other words, the semantic core of your article. The main purpose is to reflect the content of the article as accurately as possible and to help a writer check a keywords density of an article against the specified requirements.

Plan and Organize Your Content

When planning the content, it is important to choose the right list of keywords that the article should contain for each topic. The keywords are arranged around the main core of the content.

Content optimization und Keyword-Clustering

Next, we research keywords and divide them into groups based on semantic relevance, i.e. we use thematic clustering or so called keyword-clustering to make the content clearer, more structured and easier to understand for both users and search engines.

Rillsoft SEO Content Assistent

After an article is created considering your keywords list, it should be optimized according to the requirements of your SEO strategy.

Rillsoft Content Assistant can simplify this process. It is a streamlined SEO service that allows you to quickly check whether a written article meets your requirements for a list and number of keywords.

First, we fill out the Content Brief:

  • you open your article in a Google document

  • you choose Add-ons > Rillsoft SEO Content Assistant > Show

  • a Rillsoft Content Assistant window appears to the right of the article text

  • there we select the tab Content brief

  • enter the minimum number of words in the article

  • next we determine the minimum number of second level headings

  • enter a list of collected keywords and do not forget to specify next to the keyword after the comma, how often they should occur in the article.

  • finally press the Submit button

Then Rillsoft Content Assistant automatically to the Keywords tab.

In the window on the right, a list and the number of keywords required are displayed.

If the number of keywords in the text, the position after the slash, is greater than or equal to the required number, this keyword will be marked and displayed in green in the list on the right. Otherwise, if the text contains fewer keywords than specified, these keywords remain unmarked.

If the Highlight option is enabled, the desired keywords will be highlighted in yellow in the text.

  • you open your article in a Google document

  • you choose Add-ons > Rillsoft SEO Content Assistant > Show

  • a Rillsoft Content Assistant window appears to the right of the article text

  • there we select the tab Content brief